Random musings of a college teacup

Random musings of a college teacup
who was brought up in sunshine breeding.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Someone's about to graduate in 6 months!

Take flight.

"La voyage faire la jeunesse."
- Rambaud

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I can't imagine spending this summer anywhere else. :)

My boss and I met up with some clients at High street this morning to discuss the coverage for an upcoming non-wedding event this time, with 20,000 people as attendees. Pretty mind-blowing, as it's well on its way to setting a new world record for an event like this (what it is can't be disclosed at the moment). What's amazing about this is that even the organizers, who have been coordinating thousand-people events, for more than 10 years have never done this before, so this is something the whole country must really look forward to. 
On our side, however, the massive capacity is quite a challenge. But being around for quite sometime now, the Jason Magbanua crew will be able to cook something up so that our well-esteemed videographer (hahaha), Jason Magbanua, will be able to do his thing, that which is onsite videos!

Anyhoo, today started out pretty well and ended with a huge smile on my face. :))

While waiting for the driver to come pick us up when the meeting ended, we headed to Fully Booked to kill time. And while there, I realized how much of a candid boss he is, sir Jason. Unbelievably down-to-earth despite all the success and attention he's been getting, and so full of heart. I used to think that they kill student interns when you're at a company with high internationals standards, and an undeniably good reputation to go with. But it's different, this one. I guess it's also because everyone in there has known each other since their college years..and, sir Jason, being one of their first few instructors, cut across the whole leader-follower divide. I guess this is pretty cool. 

I learned a few more good tips on video-editing from the master himself when we got back to the office. Truly the kind of master-novice picture I imagined it to be for the past months. :)

7 months ago, I've been stalking on my boss on a regular basis (NOT IN A CREEPY WAY, ok?) I just check out his website daily lng like that. And over the past months, I find myself constantly spreading the word about this really amazing videographer! The first onsite wedding video I've seen him make was that of Cheska Garcia & Doug Kramer's. After that, one thing lead to another, until I begin to tell myself that: "One day, I'll be working for this guy (even just for an internship)".  And now, I actually am!

There's always something new to learn everyday, whether it be in the office or in the field. Calling him awesome (which is what I usually describe him to be) is an understatement. He's more than that. 

I couldn't imagine spending this summer anywhere else. Really. This beats my trips to Europe for the past summers. :)

Here are a couple of my JMAG onsite favorites:

Monday, March 29, 2010

Dreaming with eyes open (and a bit of faith)

When I save enough money from whichever craft I choose to pursue after college (web designer/ film-maker/theater actress/ photographer/ animal advocate/interior designer/ travel show host - hopefully I get to try out all this in a span of 10 years), I would settle down at some peaceful little country somewhere in France and own a lot big enough so I could begin working on my real life project, that which is to design a home that looks something like this:

and a treehouse that looks like this on the inside


Awesome yellow pics taken from this link.

Friday, March 26, 2010

French home designs

French homes are too awesome for words.


Double Time

Up until yesterday, university life has taken its toll, and that has put a temporary stop to my blogging existence. But as we all learn, sooner or later, something good could spring from months of hurdling. One of the things I've been preoccupied with for the past month was my final submission for film class. Admittedly, there's a need for improvement, but let this be my first attempt on a narrative.

*Click on the link*
Double Time (a short film)

Friday, March 12, 2010

I failed our lovely creatures. :\

First of all, can I just say that I've been such a terrible little creature who, despite having a soft spot for animals, hasn't done anything about helping these animals get saved. A few days after Ondoy hit Manila last year, I told myself that I'd participate in PAWS (The Philippine Animal Welfare Society) come sembreak. I actually wrote down my plans of diverty all my efforts and non-productivity into helping out these poor innocent ones. But came the break, I was stupid enough to give into nothingness. So it disheartens me that, until now, I have not yet pushed myself hard enough to actually sign up and volunteer. :\ Needless to say, my summer shouldn't just be all about the internship. As we've taken up in philo class, a human being needs to escape the "il y a". :\

In light of my sentiment towards my lack of motivation, I'm reposting this entry from someone's blog I came across while looking for cupcake icons for my Mac. 
So random. So stupid in some ways. 
I hope this serves as a reminder for me, and everyone else, that animals have a right to be treated well and to be loved.
Read this:

When You See A Fur Coat, Speak Up! November 25, 2008

Posted by Pulin Modi | Permalink | Comments ( 188 ) | TrackBack 
There's possibly nothing more abhorrent than seeing someone in a full-length fur coat. Every time I see someone in a fur coat, I ask them if it's real, and then proceed to drop some knowledge about the industry which kills animals by gassing, trapping, drowning, and electrocution. What do you do when you see someone wearing fur?

(This photo is from something I did a few years ago in NYC)

...So now let me tell you the story of this past Saturday morning.
I was sitting there doing some work and enjoying some soy hot chocolate at the local coffee shop.
These two couples came in.
One woman was wearing a full-length fur coat.
She sat down right in front of me!
I asked if it was real.
She said "no." (an obvious lie)
I said "That's good because no one wants to see animals suffer or be killed by anal electrocution and neck breaking."
The woman's husband got very defensive and immediately started calling me a stupid prick and other names which I haven't heard anyone throw around since middle school. (Mind you, this gentleman must've been at least sixty years old.)
I replied with, "You're a grown man and you're talking to me like that? You really don't have anything else to say?"
At some point they tried to ignore what I was saying just so they could sit in ignorant bliss.
However, I was there first and this lady was sitting directly in front of me so there was no way to ignore it.
Then, I had an idea!
I turned on the Martha Stewart fur video and peacefully went about my work.
(My headphones must've been unplugged because they overheard the audio and weren't thrilled at all!)
Both women's husbands at that point starting saying how I'm an asshole, uneducated, and all that type of stuff.
I explained that I went to Vassar College and have a degree that's all about human rights and environmental issues. And that I was simply trying to talk about compassionate living.
Plus, if her coat was really fake, there was no reason for anyone to take offense, right?
They were furious.
I was amused, yet disheartened by their inability to hold a simple conversation without acting so immaturely!
They stormed out of the place creating quite a scene and everyone laughed at them.
I got back to work and enjoyed the rest of my day!

...I doubt that I made her a member of PETA, but I sure did make these people aware of cruelty to animals and I'm sure they'll think twice before putting on that coat ever again! Plus, everyone else agreed that these fur-loving folks were totally out of line with their cursing and yelling while I sat there calmly just trying to have a conversation.
Please, make sure you say something to everyone you see wearing fur, or at least hand them a leaflet. Do you have a story to share? We'd love to hear it. Post your story below or email it to us at peta2@peta2.com for consideration in future blogs.

- - - - > Source: http://blog.peta2.com/2008/11/

Have your Mac and Eat it Too

A perfect combination of the 2 things I'm madly in love with: Mac and cupcakes. J'adore ça!!!

...And here's more:

... and I just love these pillows:

Plenty more where these came from. *Clickie*:
Apple Gazette
Mac Life
Best Creative Designs

Monday, March 8, 2010

Watching "Tuesdays with Morrie" on a Tuesday

Not an advisable thing to do unless you want to leave class with runny nose and a pair of puffy eyes. I haven't had that much sleep for more than 2 weeks now and this class, being the lightest one I've had this sem, I was so tempted to cut to get a good 3 hours of sleep but then I've never really been the type to cut class (even when I needed to). In fact, it always makes me feel like I've missed out on a lot of things "in life" when I do. So I guess I made a rather smart choice today, opting to go to class just because I wanted to.

Back to the movie, I've read the novel back when I was 13 years old but never really found myself appreciating it.  I guess it was the chicken in me, scared of facing reality. I still have that in me now. But given that I've been thrusted into situations wherein I simply didn't have a choice but to face, such as this one, I can say that "Tuesdays with Morrie" is more than just a tear jerker. It's a deep and beautiful movie, with a beautiful plot, a great set of actors, cinematographers, director, and even the video-editor. Except for the cross fade editing techniques employed in the film, and some of the falling autumn leaves used as symbols every once in a while, I've developed a tremendous respect for the movie and its actors.

TRIVIA: Did you know that Jack Lemmon, the guy who played Morrie, passed away just 2 months after the movie was filmed? That could mean that he was slowly dying in real life in the process of filming his last ever movie...What coincidence!

I'm not sure if this is going to make its way to the list of my favorite movies (the types that I could just watch over and over again without tiring), but this is definitely a movie that I'll make time to watch every once in a while...for inspiration, perhaps? Also, when I feel like crying? hehe.
Actually, now that I brought that up, may I just say that I haven't cried for months? Seriously, I can't remember the last time I did. And this film just made me shed almost a river of tears. And I didn't have any tissue with me when I was watching it. Good thing, my seatmate and beautiful friend,  Bananalou (Anna Lou Lagman), had a napkin she saved from somewhere. It was the only one she had left, and she gave it to me pa. Now that I think about it, I might have ruined her movie experience by taking her last piece of tear wiper, and she might have to keep herself from crying cos' of that! Oh what movie-ruiner I am!!! *smacks self in the head*

Anyways, this is good. This movie, I mean. And choosing not to cut class so I could get some sleep before I continue on with the list of works I have piled up for another 3 weeks is a smart move (even if I feel like my brain and my eyes are giving up on me now as I'm writing this entry). School sucks when it comes to all the requirements you have to  juggle, alongside the things you have to do outside school. But if there's one thing I got to affirm with myself today,  it's that I just love going to classes. I really do. I learn something new in Philosophy class everyday. Dr. Garcia is just a sweet man of wisdom who still has that youthfulness that keeps perpetuating itself in him somewhere, even deep into his sixties. Philippine History class under Dr. Gealogo is surprisingly turning out to be quite an informative class, that out of so much fascination for the analysis of Rizal's character in Noli Me Tangere and El Fili (Elias, Ibarra & Basilio), I rarely take down notes now. I just listen to him in class, as if I were jsut listening to a real story teller, as I skim through our required readings occasionally when I feel like reciting to raise my recitation points. And finally, my last class during Tuesdays:  Elements of Screen Arts under Father Nick, who is the main reason why I'm writing this review-ish entry about "Tuesdays with Morrie" is just so adorable. He might look a little grumpy at first, but when you go up to him after class to ask him certain insights about the movie, he'll gladly oblige.

In philo class this morning, Dr. Garcia was tackling Levinas and his take on God being felt the most when we are in the midst of traumatisms, and he was looking for anyone who could give a perfect analogy of what the subject matter. After class, i went up to Dr. Garcia to ask him if my interpretation on the whole struggle with text was somehow on the right track (being that God is most known during our most disturbed times), he told me that that was exactly what he was trying to imply in class but no one was able to answer. I was later on able to link it to what we took up in class last year - - - the part when we realize that we are in a state of "il y a" and we're finally aware that we have to find ways to escape them. - - - Too bad I didn't raise up my hand and answered. I was way too sleepy, half-dozing off already. But it's good, knowing that I'm finally getting the hang of understanding Dr. Garcia's mind, and trying to put to apply  in my real life the concepts that I've spent 1 1/2 weeks studying for the first oral exam - - - which I got a B+ in , and everyone knows that getting  a B+ in his class is already getting  an A. Boy am I just glad that I'm finally learning to appreciate the things I spent months loathing!

Actually, I've been hating school for year! Since the day I was born, if I might add. I studied just so I could make the grade. Not so much passion for the essense of learning.  But now that I look at it, I just have a love-hate relationship with school. And all it takes for me to realize that is watching Tuesdays with Morrie. Maybe I should try to take some time off from all this school work every single afternoon (or night), make time stand still and just reflect on what I got to experience during the day and write about them. It makes me appreciate the things in life more. And what's even better about this is that it gives me even more motivation to work on the things I dread to do now because of the 3 weeks we have left in school.
One more thing, I'm now hating theology class. I love the prof but I hate what we're taking up. Maybe I should find ways of making the topic I'm reporting on next week  a bit more interesting to try to make it a little less tormenting for me to type down a report/paper on the preachy canonical text about introduction to marriage as a sacrament and what not.


See you later when I'm inspired once again. Ciao.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ako ay nagbenta ng mais sa Katipunan.

In an effort to keep school activities from bugging me should I have shoots on Saturdays and Sundays from now, I changed my Saturday morning JEEP insertions to a Wednesday. I started my community service this afternoon and I must say,  it's definitely worth giving up a free Wednesday afternoon in exchange of a Saturday well spent at a shoot for my upcoming internship. Helps develop a good impression on my soon-to-be "boss". :)) Though my usual afternoons in the library are going to take a hiatus because of my new requirement of  selling corns along Katipunan, I can count on my ever hard-working self to get through this whole experience alive. .

The only thing I don't seem to be impressed with with this decision is the amount of customers who drop by on a Wednesday afternoon. Today, for example, out of the 4 hours I've spent waving my hands  in hopes of getting vehicles to stop by, the corn "ate" and I were only able to sell 5 packs of corns. A bit frustrating on a first JEEP day under the scorching sun.

I'm not complaining about the humid weather or the boredom I go through from sitting there for hours...BUT I am frustrated with the great lack of people to sell for. Hardly anyone stops by... I might as well just bring out a book and waste into an afternoon of nothingness. Can you spell unproductive? *sigh*

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Adjusting has always been difficult. But in some cases, it is necessary.
Pray hard I go through this gracefully.

And one more thing: Nothing sucks more than doing something for the sake of completing a requirement. I've been losing that drive I've had for school for years. Now, I'm floating around, hoping that the end goal will be met and I could finally move on with my real life - - -  that which is to make more films.

Drained out :\

Friday, February 26, 2010

Not Accepting Defeat

The events that occurred this week are living proof that nothing lasts forever. Things you grow to get used to will eventually die out, and certain people that you've helped and have learned to trust over the past years can just go away in order to get ahead.

Whilst I was busying myself with school affairs this week, my dad broke a rather upsetting news to me and brother. To cut to the chase of this post, our lives are going to have to take a step back for a while. For years, I've seen this coming but have never actually thought that this would come. Perhaps, it is fate's way of telling me that my time as a typical individual's up. A different kind of lifestyle is about to unfold, and I have to prepare myself for the worst. Nevertheless I am not the type to just give up on anything. I, along with my family, will take this head on, and wing through life with our dignities intact. Whatever happens, I will stick to what I have planned for myself for months now. Things may come and go, and they may change us. But it is precisely because they do that could also enable us to look at the other side of the coin.

My philosophy professor have always stressed on the idea of "traumatism". For months, our student lives have dwelled on the philosophical groundings of Levinas - - -  that of which is to keep wounding ourselves to constantly see how sufferings are a great way for us to disocver things we would, otherwise, not be able to encounter and draw meaning from.

When my dad confided in me this afternoon, it was as if everything that I've taken up my current philosophy class just rushed through my mind (i.e. knowing what it means to be human, to put the "other" before oneself without counting the costs). I guess, in some ways, I can see a side of my dad clearly now, where his strictness - that which I would constantly whine about - comes from.
Though we find it hard to express our sentiments towards one another, our father-daughter relationship is not the type to fade into indifference. I love my dad more than any other man in the world. (And to YOU who have decided to take a turn against him and kept him under the dark from certain dealings that just came out of the news today, shame on you for trading mentorship and respect for your own personal gain).

I will never see things the same way. And I shall try to keep my thoughts and impressions of people heavily guarded. Not withstanding the fact that nothing in this world is consistent, I would like to believe that some form of goodness will sprout for a better kind of change. Perhaps, something way better.
I admit that I fear the months ahead. But I would also like to believe that by God's grace, He'll see us through.

Whatever happens, I am not accepting defeat. Not now, not ever.
Neither will my family. My family never has. We're born fighters.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Production Design & Artistic Directing

Digital film-making class under Marie Jamora is such a useful and practical class to take for serious film amateurs. Not withstanding the fact that we practically have to turn in a short film every 2 weeks, with treatments and techniques specifically taught to us in class. And it has been this way since November last year. Since this blog thing is open record, lemme just point out that there are instances where I just regret taking up this class for the mere fact that it ends late at night and there are days when I feel like my time could be better spent if I could review for this review for that. 
But every once in a while, works of great and talented people, such as Marie Jamora and Jason Magbanua would just remind me why I've chosen to burden myself with all the workloads entailed by this class. Since I started finding videography as my calling, I learned to be willing to put in most of my time and effort in becoming an avid learner and practioner of this craft.

My junior year has been the hardest among my 3 years stay in the Blue Eagles land; but I've learned the most over the course of this year.
Such a meaningful year it's been. And that includes tonight's class.  I've learned about film production tonight more than I've ever had in months. We had an artistic director and a production designer as guest speakers, and their portfolios and the way they conducted their respective talks show how much experience they've accumulated all throughout these years. ( Too tired to expound on this tonight..Maybe I will do so tomorrow. This is just something I want to keep on my journal before I'll be too old to forget. LOL)

One significant thing Marie Jamora pointed out tonight was that production design is truly a indispensable component in the overall effect of a film. It may appear to be a sheer tapestry in the background, but in reality, the presence of a good production set makes a world of difference from a poorly made one. It is, however, hard to turn it into a form of craft here in the Philippines, unlike in most European countries and the United States who pay great attention to the tiniest details of a set. Over there, people build their sets from scratch. But due to the grave lack of funds in third-world Filipinas, our awesome directors and prod designers learn how to make do with what is readily available (i.e. moving the furnitures around, among others).  And that brings to light my hope that production design experiences the full bloom it deserves in our country soon, when my buddies and I are already out in the world for real to make our lives a tad easier! (haha) No one has to starve for being artists. Interestingly, my philo prof  just mentioned something that relates to that in particular this morning. (taking it as a sign to fully become an artist - hahaha)
The production design department is an integral element of a tastefully made film. And it's high time that the knowledge and practice of this beautiful craft reach the ends of this wonderful archipelago, in relation to videography and film-making.

P.S. The script that I'm writing for my final film is taking shape. I just woke up today knowing exactly what the conflict is going to be. i just need to figure out how the character is going to respond to it and how the baking of cupcakes can fint into the whole picture. I'm so excited. I can't wait to shoot this. 

Here's a demo reel of the commercials and mtvs Marie Jamora has done up to this date:

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I am called to write papers ... not.

Editing videos make the whole idea of cramming for a paper a whole lot easier. But I love it, nevertheless.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My first ever paycheck ... not

I was on my way home this afternoon when I got a text from the accounting office informing me about my first EVER paycheck. (Uy...someone's growing up). Hahaha. But before you get too excited, lemme stop you there and tell you that the check has now gone stale. Apparently, one of the websites I designed for an event last year did not advice me on the payment they've intended for a poor innocent student who had no other experience prior to this. And no one from the school dept decided to notify me beforehand.
Last year, at a time when I was just designing websites and drowning myself in the world of graphic design, I was asked to render services for orgs and events, none of which had ever proposed to pay me in any form. Having felt that all the projects assigned to me were more like play and less like work, I decided to regard them as works of art good enough to put on portfolio.

But going back to the subject of receiving my first EVER paycheck, I headed straight to the accounting office to see if there's still a way to claim it. Ambassador Manalo was signing checks and validation papers when I arrived, so I had to wait for (let's just say) a while before anyone can attend to me. And that was fine. Who would prioritize a student over a senior Spanish ambassador anyway? :)) Such a lovely grown woman, she is. She practically used "very kind" everytime her concerns are being addressed, as if replacing "thank you" with it.

Anyhooo, I waited for the secretary to make several calls to Mirlab, the client, to track down my performance record...only to tell me once again that the check's gone stale. But since the site I made is still up and running, they're going to file for another check for me. And depending on the rate of how the whole dept chairs and client signatures go, it's going to take a week to a month to get that processed. - - -> Is this how long these kind of things are sorted out?
Man, I've got to learn about these type of things. I'm graduating in a year's time!
Grow up, young lady, grow up!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Blah day *gah*

I feel like I haven't blogged for the longest time! Though it has just been last Thursday since my last post. 
Things are getting out of hand for me lately. All these extra-curriculars have been eating up my time, including dates and baking sessions with my lovely girls, and I could hardly find the time to squeeze in all these school works over the weekend. 
I've made my philosophy clean and clear since the year started, and that's to put my well-being (yuck) ahead of me; to learn how to chill when works are piling up, as that has always been my biggest struggle; to temporarily let go of stress when it's taking its toll..That's grabbed the life out of me last year, and I'm hoping it'll be different this time.
Currently at the height of work-a-holism (if there is such a word), I shall seek some form of medical attention, and nothing has served to be curative so far.  That said, I am left with no choice but to cram this film thing that is due tomorrow for Elements of Screen Art class. Editing can suck big time if the vibe you're getting is all work and no play. Looks like frustration's building up to the nth level tonight. *gah*

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I shall bust my butt harder than I've ever had before.

So much great stuff has happened today! With the exception of a rather boring session in Philosophy class :(, my report for history class went really well. And then I had to ditch my beloved girls for a baking session over the suspension of classes so I could head straight to a meeting with my long-time idol, Jason Magbanua, to discuss the internship. Glad I got to seal the deal! *I'm too happy I can't even think straight right now* :)
Despite being so well-known, he's one of the most down-to-earth people I've ever met. Have I not known who he is, I wouldn't have thought that he's totally up there.
What I'm really amazed with the most is that I'm the first intern he's ever accepted. Ever. I'm just way too grateful for this opportunity. Just 7 months ago, I was just among one of his thousands (perhaps even millions) of fans, admiring and sharing his works to every single person I run into. Even during first sem, I've told all my friends that I'm going to work for this guy, even an internship would be fine. I just have to witness for myself what makes him the best there is in his field...and then now I'm here at Bizu listing down his expectations, how he usually runs his shoot, his thoughts on the industry, the former professors and classes he took up in Ateneo (classes and profs of which I'm currently taking!)...and a lot of other things. 
He also discussed some things about his career that I only found out awhile ago. Funny how I've done all my research about this legendary guy but I've missed out on some particular bits. It just goes to show that his awesomeness is an ever-evolving thing. 
The second time I helped out in his shoot last month (for Rica Peralejo's wedding), I was so starstrucked I couldn't even talk that much. Starstrucked by him and not the actress pa! It's so funny! 
Anyway, I take this as a sign from God, I guess, that I should continue busting my butt ... If I've busted it hard enough last sem, I should bust it harder this time that it should hurt and enable some form of muscle formation. 
Though that's a rather highly exaggerated way to put it, you get what I mean, right? 

After meeting up with him, I still had a few hours to spend with my lovely girls so I decided to rush back to Katipunan and went straight to La Vista for some baking101 with Nic, Nelle and Reich. And then came 6pm, I had to rush all the way back to Ateneo for the film class. And now, I'm back home, forcing myself to read up on that 20-page reading on masturbation for Theology for another one of Rochester's hardest quizzes tomorrow. Usually, I'd be too tired to even bring out those readings from my bag when I get home at 8pm from film class. So this is one of the few nights that I'm actually NOT drained out from school. I dunno. I'm just full of excitement, full of energy that not even a thick amount of reading could stand in the way of my happiness. 

Getting this internship is more than enough to keep me occupied (even without a date on Valentine's that is fast approaching).

God is good. And I've got all things in the world going for me. Not a single yearning for a love life. Nada. Let my  singleton state and youth flap its wings on the world of videography.

Monday, February 8, 2010

French buff

After finishing the French exam this afternoon, I got the chance to walk alongside my French prof, sir Yap, who asked me how the exam was. I honestly thought it was fairly easy. Not so easy but not so hard either if you study. I rarely get to take tests of this kind; the type that I have enough edge and confidence to ace.

Anyway, as we made our way down that flight of stairs in Bel, he told me: "To be honest, non-European Studies majors actually perform better than the EU majors themselves."
I shot him an unconvinced look, as if waiting for a short elaboration. So he went on to explain that EU majors are actually taking up French because they're required to do so...unlike non-EU majors  (such as myself - - - WEH!) they take it out of interest. And when you think about it, there is some truth to that. At least for me and the people I know. We had the choice not to burden ourselves with this added weight of work, but we still chose to do so. 
Not that I completely agree with him on the former point, but I do with the latter one. I guess it's safe to say that I am taking up this class out of mere fascination for this beautiful language and its culture. There's nothing else in the world I could have this huge heart for except learning French... Well, that and videography, of course.
And that reminds of me the foster parents I've lived with in France. I'm grateful to have lived with natives who have the patience for a kid who would turn to pointless charades when she couldn't be good enough to express herself in the language that they speak.

Nicole Naguiat for succession

It's been a pleasure to be of service to my good friend, Nicole Naguiat, on her campaign as the next  Human Resources leader for AEUSS. She is one of the most disciplined and genuine persons I know. Her stance AREN'T EASILY swayed by the ways of the world. And I admire her for recognizing that there's more to art than merely aesthetics. 
She paints, she takes really great photographs (those of which have earned her a great number of awards and praises), and she's about to go to make-up school or the Sorbonne Univeristy in Paris after completing her degree in European studies (Sarreh na, chong. Hanggang visit lng ako dun eh). And all the while, she remains to be commited to the progress of her org.. 
Perhaps, I'm a little biased because I'm friends with her. But I also think that it's precisely because we're close that I get to see the kind of person she truly is. 

There's not a single time that a simple conversation with her is not turned into a session that delves into the deeper meaning of life (whether in person or on YM).
She's deep, and she encourages you to think. That's what I admire most about her.When you surround yourself with people like this, you're bound to succeed.

Should you happen to be a member of the Ateneo European Studies Students, then Nicole Naguiat is the way to go!

On a less serious note, for someone who's idea of driving a car is driving a bump car, or the best Chinese word to learn is "Waikikiki (beach), she's not so bad. We apply what we learn in French class as much as we can on a daily basis  (a.k.a. trying hard to speak in French! HAHAHAHA - but hey, being able to reach the advanced French class actually means that we can finish each other's sentences en Français parce que nous sommes bonnes, actualement.). Interestingly, she loves to giggle at the site of _ _ k _    _ _ e _, among others (JOKE!)

Here's the ad campaign I did for her.
Isn't she exquisite?

Insane Driver; Insane Citizens

Aside from the usual show downloads that I occassionally watch, I hardly get stuck in front of the tube. It really is something when I get to hang around any place near one - - -  a once-in-a-blue-moon kind of thing. Anyhooo... I chanced upon the television awhile ago, and the news was about this seemingly troubled "former Filipino soldier" who counter-flowed his way through Edsa earlier today. If you don't happen to pass by that busy area here in Manila, you should just know that it's impossible to get from point A to point B in less than an hour if your route happens to fall under that.  
Going back to what happened, when the suspect/driver was arrested for bumping into 25 unfortunate vehicles, he claims that he did so because "inagaw ko ang bandila ng Pilipinas. Bahala kayo kung ano gusto niyo.   Basta claim the Philippine flag from  me" - - - or something to that effect... 
That guy's simply out of his mind. 
And what stuns me is how comical I find it. We've seen worse to know better than  to be disheartened this piece of trash.  If you think about it, it's far better than learning that a former president (such as "Erap" Estrada,) who has the nerve to even rule the country a second time, is doing well in the polls. 
When recurring things happen, ridiculous and unreasonable ones like this, it sort of builds up your tolerance for dispiritedness, which in effect, makes you finally give up on caring. In most cases, that term can be coined as indifference. 
It doesn't take a drug-inflicted fellow to pull something like this to be counted as insane. 
Resting one's vote upon someone who has already been impeached for grave corruption, and for clearly wasting away the country's resources, MIND YOU, is an inexcusable route to self-destruction. One need not secure a high form of education to know better than to vote for a good-for-nothing-actor-turned-politician. 
Haynako, Philippines, haven't you learned any better? Haynako.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Break Hide-away

I've just finished my French exam and Theo quiz, and I think I nailed it. Not to get my hopes of getting an A raised up that high, but I really think I did well for both exams today. :)
And since I've usually let my good works pass uncredited, I shall now reward myself to a lovely solitary treat here in  my favorite spot in the new library, the location of which I shan't tell.
But I just love it here. Ateneo's got the best campuses ever! I won't trade an afternoon like this for anywhere else in the world.

Moving on, my agenda after the exams today are to:
1. Cram for a bonus paper for history class
2. And to carry on with the development of my character for film class, in which a 5th short film counted as the final project is to be submitted by the end of this sem (March 2010). I'm hoping to get more inspiration to further electrify my character, which is obviously what drives the story forward. I've already assembled my own production crew, inclusive of actors, set designers, wardrobe stylists, cameraman, cinematographer, actors/actresses, the way the angles are to be shot...Sounds close to complete, doesn't it? But guess what I'm still falling short on! . . . . . . . - - - -  A FUCKING STORY! The story lies at the heart and core of all the components that make up a good film. Without which, there will be no film as we know it. That said, I better leave and hop on the next creative express, hopefully powered by a real sense of imagination. *Keep your fingers crossed; Imma do everything I can to ace Marie Jamora's digital film-making class* I just have to. Otherwise, all the overloading I've decided to burden myself with this sem will be for nothing. I could've chosen to just take up 5 subjects this sem (as it is the only number of units required but nag-feeling ako and I took up one extra class). :)) I guess that pretty much explains the way I go cranky most of the time these days. :))
Before I end this entry, I just want you guys to check out this interesting article I came across on deviantart. I never knew a phenomenon like this actually exists. Such a weird but interesting piece of shit. READ UP... 

P.S. Click on it to enlarge.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Roll on French letters

I just found this romantic letter written by a French soldier to the love of his life during the 2nd world war. It's incredible to find something this romantic in the most authentic sense these days.

"a loose translation of the writing on on that French postcard is
"how much i would like to find myself next to you this morning, to take your head in my two hands with eager tenderness and a fever of caresses"
The postmark is 1917- sent during World War I"

Lovely, isn't it? Makes me want to go back to Paris this instant. I wonder what I'll be doing 10 years from now. Will I still roll on in that prestigious world of wedding videography? Will I become a graphic designer? Or can I pursue both at the same time? But one thing's for certain. I am going back to Europe. My sole mission in life is to see the world and immerse myself in the knowledge of things I'm sure that, at this point, I don't know even exist. Oh how I long for my days as an undergrad to hasten up till its last.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Brain cells running out

Just came home from film class and my brain cells have completely ran out. We spent the whole 2 1/2 hour learning how to write a screenplay, and the guest speaker was such a natural. We came up with this character named after Chabelli called "Chubby Lee Chong". Too sleepy to recall what the movie was entitled with. 

One insightful thing I learned about developing your character and writing scripts though is that it helps to spontaneously (and foolishly) come up with a slum book and just fill it up with the corniest kind of information you could imagine. We had a great deal of laughter in class
while coming up with those silly information (i.e. Who's your crush *in which the answer to is "SECRET!" of course; favorite singer, favorite color, etc.)
But what good is all that at this point when I'm too sleepy now but still have this theo paper to finish, theo quiz and a French quiz to study for, and a party to help set up tomorrow? I just want to go straight to bed and start my day early tomorrow with these things BUT I am fully aware that I'll be turning off that pink alarm clock on my bedside and that snooze on my cellphone (like I always do). So I have to blurt out all these random words for that paper and calling them a sentence. Shit. Shit. Shit.
I have yet to put the finishing touches on my answer to this question: If Adam didn't sin, is there still a need for Christ?
>>All I can think of right now is that the fashion industry owes it to Adam for giving in to temptation. Otherwise, we'd all be walking around naked.
Paper deadline, move yourself. 
Yours truly,

Thanks to everyone who visited Jumpstart and to my lovely close friend Erika for all the support; She even helped me man the booth and entertain the people who dropped by earlier!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

On to the next on to the next

Whoa man! I specifically told myself this morning that I shall start and finish my Theo paper which is due this Friday. Somewhere along the way, I ran into my friends, who never fail to put back some sanity to my otherwise disorderly life, and ended up just bonding with them. I miss my friends. I miss my block. I hope I get to spend more time catching up and delving into the deeper meaning of life with them. 
loving Nic's room and the Secret Garden in La Vista
*sigh* So much for planning and sticking to it.
Now I have more than what I can handle on my plate and I barely accomplished 30% of them.
I've never been so behind schedule before. How can I not move forward these days? What's wrong with my brain? Serix, focus naaaaaa!
Lemme see what else I have to do here:
Theo reading
Theo paper
French exam
Histo bonus paper
Nicole's campaign design
Fix portfolio
Film script
Wow. I've had this list of to-dos since last weekend and have only managed to do one out of what...urghhhhhhh.
Anyhooo...One good thing to look forward to next week though: My Valentine's Day date with Erika, Nelle, Nic and Reich. That's the only thing that keeps me going. I can't wait. 
Should you wish to contribute to the Valentine's event for a cause...why don't you reserve seats right here right now?

Bubbly Fireball

We're truly blessed to be in one of the greatest sunset spots in the world.
I'm usually on my way home at around 5:15, and there's never a day that I fail to witness the most perfectly rounded orange fireball on the face of the universe: our lovely sun. It's an impeccable sight to behold. Sad that I forgot to bring out my cam. Should you pass by Commonwealth around that time, don't forget to take a beautiful picture of it.

Jump away!

I haven't worn a dress to school since time immemorial, and I just did today. Made me realize how less of a feminine I've become. :))

Anyhooo, last day of Jumpstart tomorrow so go visit us at the Soc Sci foyer, where the French, Australian, Malaysian, Indonesian, and other embassies will be there to answer your inquiries on further studies abroad and possible scholarships! See you there! :)

Having to re-knot those tarps to their stands to keep them from falling because of the stubborn wind disabled me from taking a good number of photos. Will take more tomorrow but for the meantime, here are the few ones I took. :)